XLVets is a community of independently-owned, progressive veterinary practices that work together to share knowledge, experience, and skills in order to achieve the highest standards of veterinary care. Being recognized at an international level, clinics now have the chance to learn, grow, and improve services to clients without giving up ownership at their own practice.

XLVets is a Private Limited Company. Each member practice owns an equal share. An elected board of directors governs XLVets Canada.

Meet the Team
XLVets Canada Directors

XLVets Canada believes that with sincere collaborative efforts, members will be able to work together to change the way veterinary practices are run. Through this joint effort, XLVets members can link research projects, access the latest cutting-edge technologies, and share resources and expertise. XLVets Canada is always growing and will increase national coverage as more veterinary practices join the network. XLVets is now recognized at a global level with a strong presence in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand.

No matter what country, the ethos of the XLVets community is that business ownership and therefore all decision making is veterinary led and in the hands of the people working with their practice. XLVets exists to ensure that its member practices can leverage the advantages of scale and process management that can be obtained with bigger structure, but not to do this at the expense of absolute control.


Our mission is to provide leadership for the collaborative community of veterinary practices, setting standards for members and promoting collaborative enterprise and spirit. We are here to provide exceptional service delivery that:

  • Provides the support required to allow vets to choose to be business owners and decision makers

  • Supports the professionalization of the management of veterinary practice

  • Facilitates inspirational and relevant activity that ensures profitable practices within the framework of our values

  • Promotes independence within each practice, and offers unbiased solutions and advice within the network of veterinarians

Get In Touch

Our vision is that by working together, we can achieve so much more.

XLVets members believe that through collaboration, we will be differentiated from other groups and vet practices by the high level of quality service that we offer. By working together, sharing experience, knowledge, and skills, we can deliver excellence in veterinary practice to be seen as experts in animal health across Canada.